GP Workforce Planning and Prioritisation

We are playing a key role in the distribution of the GP registrar workforce after being awarded a grant through the Australian Government’s Health Workforce Program.

On behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) will conduct the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (GP WPP) activity across Western Australia.

WAPHA’s analysis of workforce need and training capacity is a critical informant to identifying priority locations where GP Registrars are optimally placed to meet community need – balanced with issues of capacity and supply.

The analysis produced through evidence based reports will be a key input to AGPT training placement decisions (made by the Department of Health and Aged Care, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine) that balance current and future workforce need, current and future training capacity, and registrar preference.

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Program Manager:

Workforce Stakeholder Officer: 



We invite you to be a part of the conversation about the workforce needs and training capacity for GP registrars in your region.

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Information and resources

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The AGPT GP WPP Steering Committee

The analysis produced through the GP WPP activity will be a key input to AGPT Program training placement decisions that balance current and future community needs, current and future training capacity, and registrar preferences.

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to work across Western Australia as a Jurisdiction, and separately, within the three Primary Health Networks (PHNs):

  • to provide strategic advice regarding a variety of program areas with the intent of ensuring programs are relevant and achieve their intended outcomes.
  • to provide a wider view of GP workforce and training requirements risks and issues for consideration including through the facilitation and support of local stakeholder engagement initiatives.
  • to support a consistent, state wide approach to workforce needs analysis and training capacity and requirements analysis including establishment of authorising mechanisms to support data sharing.
  • establish principles for decision making about workforce prioritisation and training requirements.
  • monitoring of project progress against key milestones and timeframes, ensuring the underlying project model remains fit for purpose as the program of work evolves.
  • to review and provide support of dissent on the AGPT WPP key project deliverables including:
    • GP Workforce Needs report and recommendations
    • Training Capacity Report and recommendations

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Terms of Reference

GP WPP Reports
  • The Department and GP WPPOs are working together on a plan to publish information relating to the GP WPP activity.
  • The Department anticipates this will occur in the first half of 2024.
  • There is no intent to release the reports that are provided to the Department in full as they are provided in a format not suitable for public release and there are privacy considerations. It is likely that information relating to the key findings and recommendations in each GP WPP region will be provided.

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