Closed Tender: FDSV Primary Care Integration
About this Opportunity:
This service aims to improve the effectiveness of the primary care response to FDSV and integrate this into the broader local support system. It will assist primary care providers to increase their skills and confidence, create safe environments for disclosure and work collaboratively with specialist FDSV providers to improve care pathways. As part of the national Supporting Primary Care FDSV PHN pilot, the service will also support training, innovation, integration, and evaluation activities coordinated by WAPHA in the Local Government Area (LGA) Cities of Armadale, Gosnells, and Canning.
The contractor is required to establish a Social Work service to embed part-time into a minimum of six general practices to achieve the improvements outlined above through establishing a whole of practice response to FDSV. The Social Workers will also be able to provide a referral service for other local general practices.
Background Information:
Primary Health Networks have been funded to establish a family, domestic and sexual violence (including child sexual abuse) pilot which integrates a model of support for victim-survivors of family, domestic and sexual violent and child sexual abuse (FDSV).
Key objectives of the pilot include assisting in the prevention, early identification, intervention and coordination of referrals to support services for victim-survivors of:
- family and domestic violence;
- sexual violence; and
- child sexual abuse.
Tender Briefing
A tender briefing session was held on Thursday 9 May 2024 at 9.30am, you can watch the recording below.
Queries and Responses
Please raise all queries via email to and WAPHA will publish responses on this webpage.
Please submit the completed submission form/s, budget, non-conformance schedule and other attachments you wish to submit as part of your application to Tender Closing Date is 31 May 2024 at 2:00PM (AWST). Submission is to be no larger than 20MB.
Request Documents:
- Part A – Request information and background (read and keep)
- Part B – Conditions of Request (read and keep)
- Part C – Draft Agreement Documents – Consisting of the following attachments:
- Service Agreement (read and keep)
- Draft Short Form Activity Schedule (read and keep)
- Part D – Submission – Consisting of the following attachments:
- Submission Form (complete and submit)
- Non-Conformance Schedule (complete and submit if required)
- Budget Template (complete and submit)
- Appendix A – CRM Specifications (read and keep)
Tender briefing: Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Primary Care Integration
Please check the webpage regularly for any updates in the Q&A section.
Click the question to expand for more.
Yes. The following document format is also acceptable
- .docx format
Please note that the Tender Briefing will be held on:
Thursday, 9 May 2024 at 9:30am
The report provides an overview of the codesign work conducted by The Australian Centre for Social Innovation in Brisbane South Primary Health Network. This is one of six approaches to the pilot that have now been evaluated by the Sax Institute.
The RFT includes a link to the Evaluation Report by the Sax Institute in the Part A Background document, and WAPHA recommends that this as a more appropriate overview of the work that the successful service provider will be required to undertake. The reason for this is that the similarities and differences between different approaches outlined in this report provide guidance on the different ways that the work can be approached. The model delivered by Brisbane South PHN involves a broader role for the commissioned service provider than is outlined in this current tender. WAPHA’s documents, particularly the roles outlined in the Tender Briefing and the Activity Schedule, should be viewed within the broader context of all six prior pilot sites, with an understanding of the flexibilities in approach.
It is understood that the service provider may experience challenges recruiting appropriately qualified Social Workers. If this challenge presents during the establishment phase, WAPHA will navigate it with the successful provider until a solution is reached.
WAPHA will enter into a service agreement with the lead organisation. It is expected that a consolidated budget will be required for the project.
Yes. This will be required of the successful applicant.
This will be due 30 April 2025, for the 2025-26 FY.