Needs Assessment for the After Hours, Multicultural Access and Homelessness Support Programs

Closed: Needs Assessment for the After Hours, Multicultural Access and Homelessness Support Programs

About this Opportunity:

WA Primary Health Alliance requires the provision of services to conduct a state-wide needs assessment for the following programs:

  1. Multicultural Access;
  2. Homelessness Support; and
  3. After Hours programs.

Background Information:

The needs assessment will focus on consultation and collaboration with external stakeholders, including peak bodies and specialist support services for each of the priority groups to identify barriers and opportunities to increase primary health care access, cultural competency and safety and increased service provision to each priority group.

The provision of services will cover the following PHN areas:

  • PHN North
  • PHN South
  • PHN Country WA

The successful Contractor will be required to prepare needs assessment reports that meets the requirements outlined in the documents.

Queries and Responses

Please raise all queries via email to and WA Primary Health Alliance will publish responses on this webpage. 


Please submit the completed submission form/s, budget, non-conformance schedule and other attachments you wish to submit as part of your application to Closing Date is 2.00pm AWST, 15 November 2023. Submission is to be no larger than 20MB.


Request Documents:

  1. Service Agreement (read and keep)
  2. Draft Activity Schedule (read and keep)
  • Part D  – Submission – Consisting of the following attachments:
  1. Submission Form (complete and submit)
  2. Budget Template (complete and submit)
  3. Non-Conformance Schedule (complete and submit if required)




Please check the webpage regularly for any updates in the Q&A section.
Click the question to expand for more.

Q.1 - What is WAPHA involvement in the current programs?

A.1 – WAPHA has an established After-Hours Program and is seeking to identify barriers and opportunities to increase primary healthcare access and service provision for those experiencing homelessness and for multicultural communities (as new PHN Programs) as well as for community members accessing services in the After-Hours period.

Q.2 - Are the primary health care needs of refugees and asylum seekers in scope for the Multicultural Access Program?

A.2 – Yes.

Q.3 - What is the degree of WAPHA involvement on this project?

A.3 – This is dependent on the submissions and what is achievable within the timeframe.

Q.4 - Are you expecting 3 reports (1 report per PHN) or 1 report?

A.4 – All 3 PHNs are to be addressed within the one report for each program.

Q.5 - Can the budget be disclosed?

A.5 – The budget is dependent on what is realistically achievable during the timeframe.

Q.6 - What happens after the needs assessments are completed?

A.6 – The three needs assessments will Inform the next steps with the Department of Health and Aged Care

Q.7 - What details are you looking for in the Budget?

A.7 – We will be looking at hourly cost, travel and by PHN (if possible).

Q.8 - Will you require Referees?

A.8 – Yes. External referee/s are preferred.

Q.9 - Is consulting with the community required as part of the assessment? Should the methodology include direct consultation with community members for the three programs?

A.9 – Yes, whilst consultation with the community is preferred, we are aware the short timeframe for this project could limit the amount of consultation. Consideration should also be given to previous relevant community consultations to avoid community consultation fatigue.

Q.10 In Part D, 3.2 (service methodology) a communication plan is requested. We’d like to confirm if this is around communication of results to stakeholders, or if the focus of this is meant to be about a communication plan to engage stakeholders throughout the assessment?

A.10 – This is a plan to engage with stakeholders throughout the assessment.

Q.11 - Was this assessment previously been done in-house, and if so, what the reason is for outsourcing the assessment this year?

A.11 – These needs assessments focus on three specific programs. Multicultural Access and Homelessness Support Programs are new programs for WAPHA. Some consultation with stakeholders has occurred in association with other activities but not specifically for these two new programs. We currently have no capacity to do these three specific needs assessments inhouse.

Q.12 - Part D Submission Form: the Submission Form currently provided on the tender details page is restricted and cannot be edited. Are you able to please provide an editable version of this document?

A.12 – Document has been unlocked.

Q.13 - Will the tender closing date be extended to allow for a higher quality response?

A.13 – No, the schedule for this project is very tight.

Q.14 - Are you able to indicate whether the successful consultant would have access to PHN-owned data to support the Needs Assessment? This includes access to hospital, MBS or National Health Service Directory data.

A.14 – Most population health data are available in the public domain, so it would be the responsibility of the provider to source these data. Attached is a hyperlinked list of population health data available in the public domain: Publicly available population health data sources.pdf

WAPHA may also be able to provide Emergency Department data where this is relevant, but this would be at the discretion of the data custodian at WA Health.

Q.15 - Has any baseline stakeholder engagement work that may be considered a key input, already been completed?

A.15 – WAPHA has conducted some consultation with multicultural communities members related to another project. There are state, national and PHN reviews, strategies, policies across the three programs that are available and can inform stakeholder consultation.

Q.16 - Are there any specific stakeholders that WAPHA may consider necessary to being included?

A.16 – General Practice staff including GPs, peak agencies, WAPHA commissioned services providers, specialist service providers for each program, consumers, health service providers and other key government agencies and key internal WAPHA staff members.

Q.17 - What is the level of stakeholder engagement expected? E.g. 1:1 engagement with a broad range of stakeholder groups across each PHN or targeted engagement with representatives nominated for each stakeholder group?

A.17 – This will be determined based on the submissions/proposal in regards to what is achievable in the specified timeframe, budget proposed and a review of previous research and consultation.

Q.18 - Has background work already commenced to develop the needs assessments?

A.18 – As the Multicultural Access and Homelessness Support Programs are new, these needs assessments are the background work.


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