
View current tenders


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RFQ759-2 Supporting Recovery Pilot: FDSV – Mental Health Therapies aspire 31/03/25
RFT762 headspace Centre Manjimup aspire 16/04/25
RFQ765 Aftercare Services – Perth Metropolitan Area aspire 01/05/25


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Frequently asked questions

Please check the webpage regularly for any updates to these FAQs

(Click the question to expand for more)

How can I receive tender notifications?

Notification of public requests are issued via email to those who have subscribed to the Tender Notification List.

Can I unsubscribe from receiving open tender notifications?

You can unsubscribe from the Tender Notifications List by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.

What is the difference between public and private tenders?

A public tender is open for any organisation to submit a response. A private tender is restricted to those organisations that have been invited to submit a response.

How do I access public tender documentation?

Answer for Aspire

Log in to WA Primary Health Alliance’s aspire portal, navigate to the relevant negotiation and accept the terms and conditions of the negotiation.

Answer for email

Documents are available via WA Primary Health Alliance’s Tenders webpage.

How am I notified if there are any changes?

Answer in Aspire

If you have accepted the terms of the tender (negotiation in aspire) you will be notified of any relevant additional information or changes.

Answer for email

The website does not issue notifications. Relevant additional information or changes will be posted on the page. It is recommended to check regularly to ensure you are up to date.

Can WAPHA help me prepare my tender submission?

WAPHA cannot support organisations to prepare the content of submissions, however, can provide clarification in relation to the process that is being undertaken, technical assistance with using systems, and requirements included in requests.

What is a tender submission deadline, and how important is it to adhere to?

Answer for Aspire

As aspire has a set close time, responses are unable to be submitted after the close time.

Answer for email

Submitting by the deadline is important to sure that your tender submission is considered by WAPHA.

aspire system frequently asked questions
What is aspire?

aspire is an enterprise resource planning system implemented by WAPHA to integrate financial, human resources, and contract management activities. The key usage for external organisations is the supplier portal.

What are some key terms used in aspire?
  • Amendment: A change to the information originally issued in a negotiation.
  • Award date: The date by which WAPHA anticipates entering into a contractual agreement with a supplier.
  • Buyer: The person within WAPHA managing the negotiation.
  • Negotiation: The process of issuing requests for quotes, expressions of interest, or tenders, and receiving responses.
  • Response: The submission from an organisation seeking to provide services to WAPHA.
How do I get access to aspire?

Click on the aspire user account request on the relevant request page, complete the information in the email that opens and send the email.

How do I log in to aspire?

When your account is created, you will receive a link to reset your password. After resetting your password, you can log in by entering your email address and the password you just created.

What is my user name?

Your user name is the email address that was registered during account set-up.

How do I reset my password?

Click on the “forgot password” link on the aspire login page.

How do I navigate the aspire homepage?

Click the aspire logo or house icon to return to the homepage. The bell icon shows notifications, and the circle with your initials brings up settings. Clicking on an app icon opens the app page.

How can I simplify the homepage appearance?

You can deselect all apps except for the supplier portal by clicking on the + icon and then saving your changes

How do I respond to a negotiation?

Select the negotiation, review the terms and conditions, and either accept, decline, or cancel the terms. Then, follow the steps to complete and submit your response.

How do I attach documents to my response?

Click on the + icon or actions and then add to attach documents. You can drag and drop the document or navigate to it within your system.

How do I review and submit my response?

The review step lets you work through each section of your response and review the information provided. Once reviewed, click on submit and confirm your submission.

Closed Tenders
CLOSED: Request number: 2024-86

Optimising primary care coordination for people living in Residential Aged Care Homes (National Partnership Agreement)

Learn more

CLOSED: Request number: RFQ758

Supporting Recovery Pilot: FDSV – Local Care Team

Learn more

CLOSED: Request number: RFT2024-82

Homelessness Support Grants Program

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CLOSED: Request number: 2024-80

Request for Tender: Youth Enhanced Services – Perth South PHN

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CLOSED: Request number: 2024-81

Request for Proposal: Youth Enhanced Services – Country WA PHN (Geraldton)

Learn more

CLOSED: FT2023-11

Request for Tender – Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (FDSV) Pilot Supporting Primary Care, Local Link – PHN South

Find out more

CLOSED: RFT2023-10

This Activity will undertake a Needs Assessment for the After Hours, Multicultural Access and Homelessness Programs.

Learn more


Expression of Interest – Head to Health Adult Mental Health – Satellite (Northam)

Learn more

CLOSED: Medicare Urgent Care Clinics

Medicare Urgent Care Clinics in Midland, Murdoch and Bunbury

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CLOSED: Tender: RFT2023-1

Office-based & online videocall face-to-face delivered psychological treatment in the Perth Metropolitan Area

Learn more


While the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.