Needs Assessment

WA Primary Health Alliance takes a system-wide view of the health system in WA, by undertaking a comprehensive Needs Assessment to identify unmet health and health care needs for Western Australians.

Our Needs Assessment identifies key priorities and uses these to guide and inform our investment in hundreds of community-based treatment and support services across the state.

In doing this, WA Primary Health Alliance is shaping, strengthening and sustaining a health system that is fit for the future and works for people, particularly those most at risk of poor health outcomes.

Our role is to work with our partners to develop a health system that works for people, ensuring they can access excellent care closer to home.

The findings

For an overview of the 2022-2024 Needs Assessment findings please watch this short video. Analysis and consultation for the 2025-2027 Needs Assessment is currently underway.

The Needs Assessment identifies unmet health and service needs and prioritises opportunities for planning and service delivery in primary health care. 

Primary Health Networks submit a Needs Assessment to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care every three years and continue to assess need on an annual basis. 

For further information on the process and requirements please view the Department of Health and Aged Care Needs Assessment Guide.

The 2022- 2024 Needs Assessment for each PHN are available below.

PHN Needs Assessments:

Our most recent Needs Assessments:



Country regions:

Lift outs for WAPHA’s seven country regions:

Other resources:

Needs Assessment on a page documents:



Our Needs Assessments priorities are to:

  • Reduce and manage chronic disease.
  • Build workforce capacity to manage chronic disease and identify mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues.
  • Promote integration and care coordination to improve chronic disease management.
  • Reduce unnecessary hospital admissions and emergency department attendances.
  • Create pathways for people with co-morbid chronic conditions and mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues.
  • Increase access to low and medium intensity mental health services.
  • Encourage community-based approaches to suicide prevention.
  • Increase access to alcohol and other drugs treatment services.
  • Promote community-based early intervention and harm reduction to reduce harmful alcohol and other drugs use.
  • Support the development of culturally appropriate, holistic and integrated approaches to Aboriginal health and wellbeing.
Program needs assessments:
After-hours, multicultural access and homelessness support programs

In December 2023, Impact Co., an external consulting firm, was engaged by WA Primary Health Alliance to conduct a Needs Assessment to understand the after-hours, multicultural access and homelessness support needs across WA.

Read the needs assessment summary


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