Our papers and reports cover a range of topics relating to social and health care.
Submission Papers
As a planning and commissioning body dedicated to building a robust and patient centred primary health and social care system, we prepare submission papers when required relating to social and healthcare.
You can read our submissions below:
- PHN Cooperative submission: Response to Working Better for Medicare – Distribution Levers Review (March 2024)
- WA End of Life and Specialist Palliative Care Strategy 2018-2028
- Western Australian Women’s Health Strategy 2018-2023
- Integrated Carer Support Service: Regional Delivery Partners (PHN submission)
- Draft Strategy to Respond to the Abuse of Older People (Elder Abuse)
- Joint Submission: WAPHA & Rural Health West
Inquiry into the provision of GP and related primary health services to outer metropolitan, rural and regional Australians (September 2021)
Position & Discussion Papers
These position and discussion papers focus on the seven Health Priorities for Primary Health Networks, as identified by the Australian Government.
All papers are reviewed regularly and are based on the current research and policies available.
Our reports highlight our activities, programs, investments and achievements.