Recognising, Responding and
Reporting the Abuse of Older People
Online Learning Modules

Welcome to the WA Country Health Service and WA Primary Health Alliance reporting of Abuse in the Older Person modules. These modules have been developed with funding from the Australian Government Primary Health Network (PHN) Program and focusses on Early intervention  activities to promote safe healthy ageing.

To access the e-learning modules, click on the options below:

Direct care workers  Managers

or please contact if interested in uploading to your own LMS system.

“I thought the Abuse of the Older Person e-learning module was easy to follow, informative with information for escalation, covered topics of sensitivity and all in all felt it was well put together.” – Patient Care Assistant

“Great resource, great links and relevant attachments.” – Paramedic

Preventing abuse of older people is a core duty and obligation for all providers of aged care services; the nature of our services means it is likely that staff will have contact with adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

All types of abuse and neglect should be reported  to ensure quality of care as the best protection for older people against abuse and neglect. This on-line module will assist all aged care staff in ensuring that they meet their responsibilities in the delivery of safe, evidenced based, quality care.

Under the current system, Aged Care Approved Providers are required to report certain allegations of abuse of residential and community care recipients. Reportable assaults are defined as unlawful sexual contact, unreasonable use of force, or any assault specified in the Accountability Principles 2014 (Aged Care Act 1997) and which describes an offence against a law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory.

The online modules will:

  • Give people the resources and contacts on where to go for advice and assistance
  • Support safe healthy ageing to provide better outcomes for Older people
  • Describe the social circumstances in which abuse of older people may occur
  • Identify early abuse types and signs
  • Describe the barriers to recognising and reporting abuse of older people
  • Describe the duty of care and appropriate action to take when abuse is disclosed, witnessed or suspected
  • Explain how to respond to reports of alleged abuse

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define types of abuse and identify the risk factors
  • Understand the difference between unintentional and intentional abuse
  • Be able to describe the rights of older people
  • Learn how to minimise or prevent the risk of abuse of an older person by early intervention
  • Be able to identify early ways to respond in the event of alleged abuse of an older person
  • Learn how to provide emotional support where abuse is suspected
  • Understand the recording requirements and reporting process for incidents of abuse of older people
  • Understand what is required by law for reporting abuse of older people
  • Learn how to refer and access other support services early
  • Understand why certain types of abuse of older people have to be reported to the police and to the Commonwealth Department of Health

For any further information please contact: or

This project is a collaborative approach between WA Country Health Service, Advocare and WA Primary Health Alliance.


While the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.