We help those most in need and those most isolated by addressing health inequity and improving access to services that transform and save lives.
WA Primary Health Alliance is addressing health inequity, workforce shortages and isolation by using Telehealth to transmit high-quality health information over any distance.
Telehealth can transmit voice, data, images and information. In partnership with other WA agencies, we use these systems in WA where we can avoid physically moving care recipients, health professionals or educators to other locations where long-distance travel may be required.
With the introduction of permanent MBS items, Telehealth is increasingly being used as part of everyday care by GPs across WA. We are committed to supporting general practice to provide safe and secure virtual consultations between patients and their usual GP where clinically appropriate, improving accessibility of services and helping to keep vulnerable populations safe.
With our support, telehealth is being used to diagnose, treat and prevent health problems. Our focus is on overcoming access issues caused by geography and income, so that those most in need and those most isolated can access excellent care closer to home.
An increasing number of patients who live in regional, rural and remote WA are now accessing telehealth videoconferencing to improve access to health care services.
By using telehealth videoconferencing, they no longer need to travel to the nearest major city to see a specialist. This service can be offered by their local GP or another local health care provider.
Good health is our greatest common asset; poor health our greatest social risk. By addressing inequitable access and investing in leading local care, we shape, strengthen and sustain a health system fit for the future.
For more information please email our digital health team via practiceassist@wapha.org.au.
Useful resources and frequently asked questions
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