Residential Aged Care, Palliative Care and ACP in Aged Care: The GP Role
As any GP working in aged care is aware, palliative care is intrinsically linked with their practices. It is well recognized that that GPs play an essential role in ACP and palliative care in residential aged care facilities. This short session will aim to provide GPs with knowledge and tools to further evolve their palliative care and ACP practice.
This workshop supports the practitioner to meet the delivery of person-centred care, dignity and avoidance of suffering as expected by community.
“Community expectation of person-centred health care, self- determination, dignity and the avoidance of suffering, have focused attention on advance care planning. Nationally, The Palliative Care Strategy and The National Framework for Advance Care Directives, prioritise advance care planning and advance care directives. “(1)
Learning areas
- Interpret Advance Care Planning information and consider how to integrate into practice.
- Increase understanding of Palliative Care in Residential Aged Care.
- Discuss the challenges of ACP in aged care.