Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health
Increase your knowledge, skills and confidence in working with young people and sexual health!
Nuts & Bolts develops core knowledge, attitudes and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health issues.
This course has been designed for youth workers and others in the youth sector.
It is suitable for a wide range of people working with young people including youth workers, counsellors, Aboriginal health workers, Aboriginal education workers, teachers, nurses and workers in health promotion, juvenile justice, child protection, alcohol and other drugs and social and emotional wellbeing.
Sexual Health Quarters, 8-10 October, 9AM-4.30PM AWST
(Note for nurses: SHQ Bare Essentials is Clinical Education for Nurses required for Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health, or CNE points.)
Nuts & Bolts is delivered by SHQ Education Team and guest speakers. The course is 3 days and can be completed in full or in separate days.
Day 1 Core – Sexual & reproductive health rights, LGBTIQA+, diversity in sex, gender & orientation, you and your role
Day 2 Elective – Pleasure perspective, bodies, contraception, unplanned pregnancy and options in WA, STIs and Safer Sex
Day 3 Elective – Respectful relationships, consent & communication, porn & respect in online spaces
Participants gain skills to
- Create a safe space and talk about respectful relationships and sexual health
- Discuss and provide information in a range of sexual health topics
- Promote informed healthy choices
- Provide appropriate support and referrals for
young people