GP and Health Professionals - Accessing the NDIS Information Seminar - Perth
Afternoon and Evening Session Available
Date: Wednesday 27 October
Times: Afternoon session 3:00pm – 4:00pm including afternoon tea at Darius Wells Function Centre, Chisham Ave & Robbs Way, Kwinana Town Centre
Evening session 6:00pm – 8:30pm including dinner at Hotel Clipper, 20 Patterson Road, Rockingham
Venue: Quality Hotel Lighthouse
Dial in will also be available
Register here for face to face or virtual attendance
Topics to be covered:
- Health and the NDIS
- Access to the NDIS
- Supporting people with psychosocial disability (arising from a mental health condition) to access the NDIS
- Best practice tips
- Co-occurring conditions, multiple disabilities, alcohol and other drugs
- Questions
Event Details
October 28 - October 28
06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
General Practice
Organizer Details