Aboriginal immunisation and quality improvement processes
Aboriginal people have higher rates of some vaccine preventable diseases than non-Aboriginal people. For this reason, extra vaccines are freely available through the National Immunisation Program or they are offered at different age points.
By utilising quality improvement processes, general practice staff can play an important role in encouraging Aboriginal patients to consider the benefits of being vaccinated.
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- The new Aboriginal Schedule.
- The importance and benefits of the schedule.
- Quality improvement principles for your practice.
- Plan Do Study Act cycles and how they can benefit your practice.
- RSV in Aboriginal Babies.
- Professor Paul Effler, Senior Medical Advisor, Communicable Disease Control Directorate at the WA Department of Health
- Lisa Scholes, Practice QI Coach Quality Improvement Team WA Primary Health Alliance
- Representative from WA Health
Note: WA Primary Health Alliance uses the term Aboriginal in preference to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, in recognition that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of Western Australia.
Event Details
July 18
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
General Practice