
We value and celebrate diversity within our community and aim to ensure our workforce, partnerships and investments reflect this.

We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive culture for all our staff, health providers, partners and community members.

The contribution and participation of people with diverse bodies, identities and experiences is crucial to the work we do and allows us to shape a health system that is fit for the future.

To support Board members, staff and committee members in recognising and celebrating diversity, we have:

  • Developed a Reconciliation Action Plan
  • Established a Cultural Competency, Equity and Inclusion working group, responsible for cultural leadership and quality improvement across the organisation
  • Established an LGBTIQA+ stakeholder reference group to help inform and shape our work and mature our inclusive practice
  • Launched our LGBTIQA+ Equity and Inclusion and Aboriginal Cultural Competency and Capability frameworks and started work on our Multicultural Cultural Competency framework
  • Joined Pride in Diversity, Australia’s first and only not-for-profit employer support program specifically designed to support employers to create an inclusive workplace for employees of diverse sexuality and gender.


We are also proud to be a member of Diversity Council Australia, the independent not-for-profit peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Rainbow Tick

WA Primary Health Alliance has been re-accredited against the Rainbow Tick Standards, strengthening the value we place on supporting, respecting and celebrating the individual differences of our staff and the broader WA community.

Given our vision of better health, together WA Primary Health Alliance has an important leadership role to advocate for safe, inclusive and culturally appropriate services for people with diverse bodies, identities and experiences. Our Rainbow Tick journey aligns with who we are as an organisation and what we’re all about – shaping, strengthening and sustaining a health system that works for everyone.

We welcome people with diverse bodies, identities and experiences and actively reference our commitment to diversity and inclusion on our job adverts.

Each year, WA Primary Health Alliance participates in a variety of LBGTIQA+ related community events across WA to demonstrate our support and advocacy for inclusiveness such as Fairday, Pilbara Pride and Perth Pride Parade. We also recognise and support significant events and days in the LBGTIQA+ calendar such as Trans Awareness Week,  International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), Pride month, International Non-Binary People’s Day and Wear It Purple Day.

We value feedback on how we can improve our diversity and inclusion initiatives at WA Primary Health Alliance. Please submit feedback or suggestions for improvements you may have or email diversity@wapha.org.au – we’d love to hear from you.

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

Guided by our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan we aim to be bold and aspirational in our commitment to reconciliation and further build our relationships with the Aboriginal communities in which we work and commission services.

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2021 – 2023


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