System reform

We work in partnership with others to shape, strengthen and sustain Western Australia’s health system, combining our efforts to improve primary care. 

The national Primary Health Network (PHN), program is evolving, as is WA Primary Heath Alliance’s role as the operator of WA’s three PHNs. This maturity is evident in our impact, innovation, and progress in driving integration across WA’s health system.

By understanding local health needs, developing partnerships to foster integration and exploring innovative ways of commissioning evidence based primary health care services, the PHN program plays an increasingly important role.

Our investment sits alongside that of State and Federal agencies, and our unique ability to look system-wide at issues of equity and access means we can help shape, strengthen and sustain a health system for the future.

We are committed to working with our partner agencies, sector peaks and the lived experience (peer) workforce to strengthen WA’s primary health care services, particularly in areas of chronic workforce shortages.

Find out more about what we do

A force in national and state health reforms

Represented by the PHN Cooperative, PHNs feature prominently in the National Health Reform Agenda including the Primary Health Reform Steering Group’s 20 Draft Recommendations to inform the National 10 Year Primary Health Care Plan, the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Report into Mental Health and the 2021/22 Federal Budget Aged Care priorities.

Our Foundational Plan for Mental Health , Alcohol and Other Drug Services, and Suicide Prevention, our agreements with the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia and with the Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia, and the Health Service Provider Partnership Protocols, reflect a commitment to working together to facilitate joint planning, priority setting and commissioning of integrated care to enhance jurisdictional health outcomes.

Our role in the Western Australian Government’s Sustainable Health Review recommendations is ongoing, particularly relating to the Health Service Provider Partnership Protocols and Agreement with WA Department of Health, GP-led Urgent Care Clinics and collaborative commissioning, and outpatient reform.

Where it aligns with our Health Priorities and Strategic Plan, we are active contributors to national and state inquiries, and regularly submit and publish position papers.


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