On this page you will find links to WA Primary Health Alliance’s Mental Health Framework and resources including factsheets and audio content, related to the Framework.
These materials have been developed to describe where we fit in the broader mental health system, how we work with key partners and our strategic priorities for mental health. The materials also outline the scope of our mental health activities and provide context to our mental health approaches and initiatives.
Our Mental Health Framework brochure describes our approaches to Stepped Care, the Alliance Against Depression and mental health commissioning, including Mental Health Precincts.
WAPHA has developed factsheets for download that explain how WAPHA’s initiatives fit within the Western Australian mental health system and provide information on WAPHA’s mental health scope and approaches.
Please check back soon for additional resources.
We have also provided information from our Mental Health factsheets in audio format. Files range between three to 10 minutes in duration.
- Primary Care, Primary Health Networks, WA Primary Health Alliance and mental health in Western Australia
- What is Stepped Care?
- Holistic approaches to physical and mental health
- The scope of WAPHA’s mental health initiatives
- LGBTIQ+ mental health
- Recovery oriented service delivery
- Supporting general practice
- What is integration?
- Commissioning mental health services
Please check back for more resources being added soon