Chronic conditions

We support the delivery of health services relating to support for population health, including chronic disease, immunisation and screening.

Download our Chronic Conditions Care Strategy

WA Primary Health Alliance commissions services from a wide range of providers including community managed organisations and health service providers. Our chronic conditions commissioning is underpinned by six priorities:

  • Health Systems: create a culture and mechanisms that promote safe, coordinated, person centred and high-quality integrated care
  • The Community: Mobilise community resources to meet the needs of consumers
  • Self-Management and Health Literacy Support: Build the capacity of service providers including general practice to empower and prepare patients to manage their health and health care
  • Decision Support: Promote clinical care that is consistent with scientific evidence and patient preferences
  • Delivery System Design: Assure the delivery of effective, efficient care and self-management support
  • Clinical Information Systems: Organise patient and population data to facilitate efficient and effective care

In addition to our role as a commissioner of chronic conditions care, WA Primary Health Alliance is committed to building the capability and capacity of the primary health care sector to respond to the population health needs of people including cancer screening, immunisation programs and supporting the After-Hours Program.

We are working with our partners to achieve an integrated health service system, ensuring people can access safe and high-quality care closer to home.

For referral information, visit Clinician Assist WA

You may want to read more about our other priority areas


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