Alcohol and other drugs

Each year, we invest millions into the delivery of health services relating to alcohol and other drugs.

Download our Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategy Download our Mental Health & AOD Report Card

The use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, inclusive of prescribed medications and illicit substances, is having an increasing impact on the physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities in Western Australia.

We have programs across the state and health practitioners that are locally accessible to assist people who need help to manage their own or someone else’s alcohol and other drug use.

By working collaboratively with others to increase availability of evidence-based treatment, we are contributing to a health system that ensures people can access excellent care closer to home.

We are particularly focused on:

  • Building capability of the primary care and generalist health workforce to recognise and respond to alcohol and other drug issues in a coordinated, integrated and person-centred way.
  • Increasing the focus on intervening early, keeping people well and supporting those who may be experiencing mild to moderate problems with alcohol and drug use to help reduce the need for hospitals and specialist services.
  • In partnership with community, developing holistic, targeted and culturally appropriate approaches to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal people and reduce harm from alcohol and other drug use.
  • Improving responses to people who are also experiencing problems with their mental or physical health.
  • Supporting strategies which encourage responsible and safer prescribing practices and medication management.
  • Coordinating efforts to improve referral pathways and the joint care of people between services.

Explore our funded alcohol and other drug services

For referral information, visit HealthPathways WA

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