Care of older people

We are investing in primary health aged care to provide better health for older Australians through an integrated system-wide improvement to healthy ageing

Download our Aged Care Report Card

Many older Australians are now living longer and healthier lives, however there are many who lack appropriate access to primary care, and opportunities for social interaction and economic engagement within their communities. In 2021, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care allocated funding to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) under the $18.3 billion aged care reform package to address pillar one (Home Care) and pillar three (Residential Aged Care Quality and Safety) reform priorities. The aged care reform plan, based on five pillars over five years and supported by aged care legislative reform, is a government response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

PHN Aged Care Program (2021-2025)

In line with PHN Guidance and funding schedules, WAPHA is implementing an Aged Care Program. For more information visit our project page, Aged Care Program.

PHN Whitepaper: Supporting Healthy Ageing: the Role of PHNs

The National PHN CEO Co-operative Healthy Ageing Working Group have developed a White Paper Supporting Health Ageing: The Role of PHNs. The paper identifies the current and potential roles for PHNs to support healthy ageing and the capacity of the PHNs to enhance the health and wellbeing of older people through the adoption of well connected, place-based and person-centered strategies and approaches. It includes a Roadmap that will support PHNs to build on existing capabilities and take up the opportunities identified in the Royal Commission and the 2021 Federal Budget aged care reform initiatives. The Case Study Section provides examples from across the network of the 31 PHNs that demonstrate specific expertise and experience in developing regional and place based approaches and includes:

  • Perth South-Aged Care Transition Liaison Nurse (ACTaLN) as an example of system co-ordination and integration
  • Country WA (Great Southern Region)-Tackling the Barriers to Aged Care and Advance Care Planning as an example of health system transformation and reform

Our Commitment

WAPHA is committed to increasing access for older Western Australians, including those living in residential aged care facilities, to primary healthcare. This includes better access to GPs, pharmacists, and allied health professionals. We are working with the health, social and community sectors to increase the connectedness of older Australians, including facilitating access to primary care and social connection. We are also supporting GPs to build their capacity, and that of their practice teams,  and increase workforce capabilities to provide care for older Western Australians.

Our role extends to providing resources to enable GPs to have conversations about the last days of their patients’ lives – including supporting practices to provide better end of life and palliative care for people and their families. We are also working with others to address inequity across the state in the ability to choose to die at home, with end-of-life care from quality support services. Further information about the WA Department of Health End-of-Life Program, including state resources for GPs and consumers, are available at WA Department of Health and Palliative Care WA.

In addition to the support provided through Practice Assist, we promote the inclusion of an advance care plan including uploading an Advance Health Directive to a person’s My Health Record.

By working closely with GPs, service providers, government and its agencies, and communities, we are delivering better health, together. For referral information, visit Clinician Assist WA.

You may want to read more about our other priority areas


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