Together with our service delivery partners, we are helping to reduce the pressure on hospitals and specialists.

General practice support

Find out more about the range of support we provide to general practice.


We operate the state’s three Primary Health Networks and are responsible for planning, guiding, and directing investment towards important primary care services.

We facilitate a range of formal and informal ways through which our stakeholders, including health professionals and service providers, community, consumer, family and carer voices, can inform and shape our work.

Our funded services

WA Primary Health Alliance commissions a range of community-based treatment and support services, delivered across Western Australia.

Care of older people

Increasing access to primary care and social connection for older Western Australians.

Health of Aboriginal people

Culturally appropriate programs and services for our local Aboriginal communities.

Chronic conditions

Improving care coordination for people with complex chronic disease.

Alcohol and other drugs

Increasing access to evidence-based treatment and supports, especially for those at risk of poor health outcomes.

Mental health

Reaching people of all ages to promote early intervention to reduce the impact of mental illness.

Awarded ContractsView directory

Latest News

Establishing the Gaming Disorder Clinic at Fiona Stanley Hospital – clinician reflections

Prof. Wai Chen, BM, MPhil(Camb), PhD, MRCP, MRCPsych, FRANZCP; Professor of Youth Mental Health and Developmental Neuropsychiatry, Fiona Stanley Hospital,

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GP Connect Clinical Updates

 Keep scrolling to read more articles  Now is the season to consider co-administering influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations WA vaccination rates

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King Edward Memorial Hospital update

Important update from KEMH on gynaecology care New Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clinical Care Standard for Australia GPs are key to

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